Plaza Section

Cathedral Place 2-Lane

Both concepts around the plaza include the same alignment along King Street, which is very similar to the two lanes queuing for the Bridge of Lions as happens today.  Along Cathedral Place, this option shows a 2-lane configuration, which is required if the Bridge of Lions intersection remains as-is.  Both streets are still beautified through the process.

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Improved sidewalks and shade from trees
will create a better pedestrian experience for residents and visitors alike. 

Expanded sidewalks.

Street trees; typically cabbage palms (Florida state tree) and shade trees when possible.

Pedestrian scale lighting with vehicular scale lighting at intersections.


Along Cathedral Place, this option shows a 2-lane configuration, which is required if the Bridge of Lions intersection remains as-is.  There is still improved traffic flow due to the Cordova intersection and St. George Street north-bound modifications.

Lane along Cathedral Place is 16’ overall (11’ asphalt + brick/concrete on both sides) to allow for easy flow and emergency access needs.

Improved drainage is included throughout.


Bicycles will also benefit from the incorporation of sharrows and the better defined travel lanes.

Toggle the slider below for a before and after view

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151 King Street

152 King Street

152 King Street

151 King Street

152 King Street

152 King Street

151 King Street

152 King Street

152 King Street